Executive Committee, Chapter Officers & Other Contacts
Background and Mission:
The Executive Committee is established in Chapter Bylaws as a committee of the Alaska Chapter. The primary mission of the Committee is to function as a Board of Directors in the administration and planning of all aspects of Chapter activities. The committee is authorized by the Bylaws to act for the Chapter members between annual meetings.
- Convene at approximately six-week intervals throughout the year to conduct Chapter business and as arranged by the President, usually by teleconference.
- At each meeting, review an agenda of Chapter activities prepared by the President and provide input and direction to the President as appropriate.
- Authorize disbursement of funds.
- Approve location and registration fees for the annual Chapter meeting.
- Approve nominations for Chapter officers.
- Review and approve recommendations for Chapter action submitted by the Resolution and Bylaws Committee, Environmental Concerns Committee, or other outside interests who approach the AK Chapter Executive Committee on a request for support of an issue or fisheries related function. Follow Guidelines of Alaska Chapter Advocacy Policy and Procedures (Appendix C). For Executive Committee members who are unable to participate in voting due to conflicts of interest, 2/3 majority will represent Executive Committee members who are able to vote.
- Approve, by a 2/3-majority vote, Wally Noerenberg Award recipients.
The Executive Committee consists of Chapter Officers (President who serves as the Chair of the Executive Committee, President-Elect, Vice-President, Immediate Past-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and a voting student representative.
Erik Schoen PresidentUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks |
Whitney Crittenden President-ElectAlaska Department of Fish & Game |
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Andy Seitz Vice PresidentUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks |
Vacant Past-President
Scott Ayers Secretary
Trent Dodson Treasurer
Amber Perk Student RepresentativeUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks
Other Key Contacts
Chapter Historian Randy Brown |
Newsletter Editor Bill Bechtol |
Webmaster Joel Markis