Chapter Officers & Contacts
Executive Committee
Donnie Arthur PresidentUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks |
Whitney Crittenden President-ElectAlaska Department of Fish & Game |
Andy Seitz Vice PresidentUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks |
Amber Perk Student RepresentativeUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks |
Scott Ayers Secretary
Trent Dodson Treasurer
Erik Schoen Past-President
Committee Chairs
For lists of current committee members,
please contact individual committee chairs.
Awards Committee Chair Peter Westley Phone: 465-4245 |
Professional Development Committee Co-Chair Sara Miller Phone: 465-4245 |
Professional Development Committee Co-Chair Maggie Chan Phone: |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair Cheryl Barnes Phone: (831) 515-8232 |
Environmental Concerns Co-Chair Joel Markis Phone: |
Environmental Concerns Co-Chair Sue Mauger Phone: |
Financial Oversight/ Molly Ahlgren Chair Ray Hander Phone: 456-0402 |
Fisheries & Environmental Education Chair Vacant Phone: |
Resolutions & Bylaws Chair Toshihide “Hamachan” Hamazaki Phone: 267-2158 |
Wally Noerenberg Award Committee Chair Milo Adkison Phone: |
Other Key Contacts
Chapter Historian Randy Brown Phone: 456-0295 |
Newsletter Editor Bill Bechtol Phone: 299-6146 |
Webmaster Joel Markis