2017 Call for Abstracts
Abstracts were due by February 17, 2017. A preliminary schedule will be released soon after the abstract deadline.
For a complete list of sessions, please see (2017-session-list-11-17)
Guidelines for Presentations and Posters;
Presentation: Talks will be limited to 20 minutes including questions. It is suggested you present for 15 minutes and leave 5 minutes for questions. This time amount may decrease depending on the number of presentations.
Poster: Please limit posters to a 4’ (48”) width and height. An example of poster dimensions would be 48”W X 35”H.
Abstract Submission:
- Those who wish to present in Contributed Papers or Poster sessions at the 2017 AFS meeting are required to submit abstracts by February 17th, 2017. This includes Student Presentations.
- Please submit your abstracts via the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7HV9GT2
- Please limit abstracts to 300 words, state the session of interest and your contact information. Please note that special formatting (e.g., bold, numbering, etc.) may be lost in copy-paste. A total of five authors is permitted. A separated abstract will need to be submitted for each presentation, even if submitted by the same author.