Planning for the 2018 Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, hosted by our Alaska Chapter is in full swing. This is going to be a huge meeting, and it’s up to our Chapter to ensure that it’s a great one!We are now soliciting volunteers to help with the meeting arrangements.  There are ample opportunities to help out – the best being serving on one of our excellent committees! Below is a draft list of committees and subcommittees for which we need volunteers.  If you’re interested in serving on one (or several!) of these committees, please contact AK Chapter President-Elect and meeting Program Chair Jeff Falke via email at afs.alaska.presidentelect@gmail.com or by phone at 474-6044. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

Annual Meeting Website

Committee Sub-Committee (subject to change)
Arrangements & Accommodations
Awards Student Awards
Banquet, Socials, & Entertainment Tours and Transportation
Spawning Run
Budget & Finance
Fundraising Raffle/Silent Auction
Program Symposia
Contributed Papers
Continuing Education
Printing/Electronic Program
Publicity & Outreach Social Media
Media Coordination
Registration and Event Management Welcoming/Information
Audio/Visual Aids
Student Activities
Trade Show
Travel Grants

Schedule At A Glance: TBA

Plenary Speakers: TBA

Transportation: TBA